Pound to Ton (US) Converter

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“Easily Convert Pounds to US Tons – Discover Your Weight in Tons!”

Pound to US Ton Conversion Tool
US ton


Pound to Ton (US) Conversion Formula

To convert pounds to tons (US), you can use the following formula:

Tons (US) = Pounds / 2000

Example of Pound to Ton (US) Conversion

Example 1: 4000 Pound to Ton (US) Conversion

For example, if you have 4000 pounds, the equivalent in tons (US) would be:

Tons (US) = 4000 / 2000 = 2

Example 2: 12000 Pound to Ton (US) Conversion

For example, if you have 12000 pounds, the equivalent in tons (US) would be:

Tons (US) = 12000 / 2000 = 6

Pound to Ton (US) Conversion Table (up to 20 entries)

Here’s a table with 20 entries showing the conversions from pounds to tons (US):

Pounds Tons (US)
2000 1
4000 2
6000 3
8000 4
10000 5
12000 6
14000 7
16000 8
18000 9
20000 10
22000 11
24000 12
26000 13
28000 14
30000 15
32000 16
34000 17
36000 18
38000 19
40000 20

Pound to Ton (US) Converter FAQs

How many pounds are in a US ton?

There are 2000 pounds in a US ton.

How do I convert pounds to US tons?

To convert pounds to US tons, divide the number of pounds by 2000.

What is the formula for converting pounds to US tons?

Can I convert US tons to pounds?

Yes, to convert US tons to pounds, multiply the number of US tons by 2000.

Are there any online converters available for converting pounds to US tons?

Yes, there are many online converters available that can convert pounds to US tons. These converters allow you to enter the amount in pounds and get the equivalent in US tons.

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