“Responsive Design: Convert REM to Centimeters for Perfect Proportions!”
REM to CM Conversion Formula
To convert REM to centimeters (cm), you need a reference value in centimeters that represents 1 REM. Once you have this reference value, you can use the following formula:
Centimeters = REM * Reference Value
Example of REM to CM Conversion
Example 1: REM to CM Conversion
For example, if 1 REM equals 16 pixels, and you want to convert 2 REM to centimeters, and 1 centimeter is approximately 37.795276 pixels, the calculation would be:
Centimeters = 2 * 37.795276 = 75.590552 cm
REM to CM Conversion Table (up to 20 entries)
Assuming the reference value is 37.795276 pixels per REM:
REM | Centimeters |
0.1 | 3.779528 |
0.2 | 7.559055 |
0.3 | 11.338583 |
0.4 | 15.118110 |
0.5 | 18.897638 |
0.6 | 22.677165 |
0.7 | 26.456693 |
0.8 | 30.236220 |
0.9 | 34.015748 |
1.0 | 37.795276 |
1.1 | 41.574803 |
1.2 | 45.354331 |
1.3 | 49.133858 |
1.4 | 52.913386 |
1.5 | 56.692913 |
1.6 | 60.472441 |
1.7 | 64.251969 |
1.8 | 68.031496 |
1.9 | 71.811024 |
2.0 | 75.590552 |
REM to CM Converter FAQs
What is REM (root em)?
REM is a unit of measurement in web design that represents the font size relative to the root element's font size.
What is a centimeter (cm)?
A centimeter is a unit of length in the metric system, equal to one hundredth of a meter.
How do you convert REM to centimeters?
The conversion from REM to centimeters depends on the font size of the root element in pixels and the size of a centimeter in pixels. Typically, REM to centimeters conversion can be approximated using the formula: Centimeters = REM * Font Size of Root Element (in pixels) / 16
. This assumes a standard root font size of 16 pixels.
When might you need to convert REM to centimeters?
Converting REM to centimeters is useful in responsive web design to ensure elements scale proportionally across different screen sizes and resolutions.
Are there tools available for converting REM to centimeters?
There are online converters and tools available that help designers calculate REM to centimeters based on the current root font size and other design parameters. These tools simplify the conversion process for accurate sizing in web projects.
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Rem to cm converter online, Rem to cm converter inches, Rem to cm converter app, rem to px, cm to px, 1 rem to px